Updated Information as of February 12, 2025:
Sunday School - 8:30am for Children, Jr. High/Senior High and Adults (Nursery will not be available during the summer months for Sunday School)
Sunday Service - 9:30am (Nursery is available)
Sunday - 5:30pm - 7:30pm - Thrive & Youth Group
Wednesday - 7:00pm - Prayer Group
February 19 - 12:00pm - Seniors' Fellowship Luncheon
February 22 - 8:00am - Men's Breakfast (post high school and up, sign up)
February 22 - 5:30pm - Couples Dinner & Marriage Enrichment (sign up)
An Offering Box is available in the front lobby below the missions display board.
An Online link is also available for online giving located on our homepage or under Contacts
Live Stream: Facebook.com/aetnachurch
Updated September 23, 2022:
Sunday, September 25
- Nat LeTowt, a candidate for the pastoral staff, will be preaching from Titus 3 this Sunday. We will also be celebrating the Lord’s Supper together.
- The Adult Sunday School classes will be combined this week in the Adult Sunday School room.
- Teens and parents of teens are invited to a gathering on Sunday night with the LeTowt family from 5:30 - 7:30 in the youth room. This will be a good opportunity to connect with them and Nat will be leading a scripture reflection. Snacks will be provided.
Latest Update - September 20, 2022:
This Wednesday September 21 we’ll be having a time of Family Worship & Prayer starting at 7:00pm.. The prayer focus will be for our children, teens and young adults. Hope you can come!!
Updated Information as of September 14, 2022:
Sunday Service - 9:30am; Sunday School - 8:30am
Sunday 5:30 - 7:30pm - Thrive & Youth Group
Wednesday 7:00pm - Prayer Group
September 21 - 7pm - Family Worship Night
October 8 - 8am - Breakfast Fellowship with Marco and Fanny Jimenez
October 28-30 - Men's Retreat - Camp Conquest (Click here for more information.)
An Offering Box is available in the front lobby below the missions display board.
An Online link is also available for online giving located on our homepage or under Contacts
Live Stream: Facebook.com/aetnachurch
New Event Added - Sept 06, 2022:
Walk in the woods on Saturday, September 10 @ 7:30am at Lebanon Valley Sportsmen Association in Robesonia .
This event is open to anyone who would like to participate. It is a handgun course where we walk through a wooded area and shoot at steel targets. All levels of expertise are welcome. The cost is $5 and you will need to bring 2 boxes of ammunition. If you are interested please contact Daryl Baker (717.277.1033)
New Information - August 27, 2022:
This Sunday, August 28, Jr and Sr High teens are invited to an evening of worship and sharing at 7 pm at the home of Ken Stoltzfus, 1107 William Penn Blvd. Womelsdorf, PA 19567 . Bring a lawn chair and be ready to share. Light refreshments will be provided.
The Thrive kids group and Youth group meetings resume on Sunday, September 11. NEW TIMES FOR 2022/2023: 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
Men, consider participating in a men's retreat this October 28-30. The retreat will be held locally at Camp Conquest providing for the option to lodge at the retreat center or to participate as you are able without staying overnight. A local pastor will be sharing about what it means to be men of God for our churches, families and communities in light of our current cultural challenges. Outdoor activities and good fellowship are included!
Continue to pray and brainstorm about ways we can share the love of Jesus in practical and personal ways in our local communities for people in need. If you have thoughts and ideas, please share them with an elder or Pastor Tim.
Be mindful of the people around you at school, at work, at home and in your neighborhood. How will God use us to be salt and light in a decaying and dark world?
Sunday Service - 9:30am; Sunday School - 8:30am
Sunday 5:30 - 7:30pm - Thrive & Youth Group
Wednesday 7:00pm - Prayer Group
August 28 - 6:00pm - Youth Worship Night
October 28-30 - Men's Retreat - Camp Conquest (Click here for more information.)
An Offering Box is available in the front lobby below the missions display board.
An Online link is also available for online giving located on our homepage or under Contacts
New Information, dated August 15, 2022:
There are two opportunities for fellowship, worship and prayer as a church family in the next several days. Gather for prayer and worship this Wednesday night, August 17 at 7 pm. The focus will be asking God for guidance about how we can help hurting people in our communities (financial, loss, family issues, etc.). Sunday night, August 21 at 6, gather for a hymn sing and light refreshments. Singing songs from our hymnals is more than just nostalgic; many of these songs are thoughtful reminders of God's character, power and redemption.
Updated Information as of July 24, 2022:
Sunday 6:00 - 7:30pm - Thrive & Youth Group
Wednesday 7:00pm - Prayer Group
July 31 - Communion; Baptism at Blue Marsh Lake, 3pm, followed by Youth Group boating event
Address: 1420 Palisades Drive Leesport, PA 19533 Parking assistance will be on-hand.
August 03 - 4:00-7:00pm Thrive Family Boating Event at Blue Marsh Lake
August 21 - 6:00pm - Hymn Sing
August 28 - 6:00pm - Youth Worship Night
An Offering Box is available in the front lobby below the missions display board.
An Online link is also available for online giving located on our homepage or under Contacts
New Information as of May 01, 2022:
Sunday 6:00 - 7:30pm - Thrive & Youth Group
Wednesday 7:00pm - Prayer Group
May 01 - 6:15pm Marriage Enrichment
May 14 - 8:00am Men's Breakfast
May 14 - Ladies Tea at Fox's Country Tea (see sign up sheets)
May 20-22 - Youth Retreat
May 27-29 - Young Adult Retreat
July 10-14 - VBS 6:30-8:45pm *watch for details and wayas to volunteer
An Offering Box is available in the front lobby below the missions display board.
An Online link is also available for online giving located on our homepage or under Contacts
Updated on Wednesday, April 27, 2022:
Men's Minstry Event - On Saturday, April 30th there will be a trap shoot at Jerry Blatt’s house (120 Flanagan Road, Richland) starting at 8:ooam.
Men's Breakfast - On Saturday, May 7th the men will have a breakfast fellowship in the youth room at the church starting at 8:ooam
Quick Update as of April 11,2022:
Seder/Communion - A reminder for those who are signed up for the Seder/Communion Service this Thursday, April 14. The service begins at 6:30pm. This is not a meal so be sure to eat supper before you come. If you have any further questions please contact the church office.
Men's Breakfast - Has been postponed for April 16th. Watch for detail for the next breakfast.
Updated Information as of April 09, 2022:
Tomorrow we continue to consider Paul’s challenge to Timothy in chapter two of his second letter to him, including the command, "Flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness."
Economic stress is increasing for everyone and there are people in need within the church and a few people in our community. Contributions to the MABC benevolence fund allow us to meet these needs. Simply designate a contribution to that fund along with your regular giving.
Tomorrow is the deadline to sign up for the Seder service on Thursday, April 14 at 6:30pm. See the sheet in the front lobby.
Also, sign up to bring food for the Easter breakfast fellowship and to provide food for the Thrive kids retreat at the end of the month.
Plan to gather on Good Friday (4/15) at 7 pm for worship and on Resurrection Sunday (4/17) at 8:30 or 10:30 am.
Upcoming Events
April 14 - 6:30pm Seder/Communion Gathering (sign up required)
April 15 - 7:00pm Good Friday Service
April 16 - 8:00-9:30am Men's Breakfast
April 17 - 8:30am or 10:30 am Easter Worship Services (with breakfast in between services)
May 14 - 11:00am -1:00pm or 2:00-4:00pm Spring Ladies Tea
An Offering Box is available in the front lobby below the missions display board.
Updated Information as of March 25, 2022:
Continue reading and reflecting on 2 Timothy chapter 2, especially the beginning of verse 8.
This Sunday, March 27, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together, a meaningful reminder of not only the gospel, but also the unity we have in our faith.
Plan to participate in the Seder/communion gathering on Thursday, April 15 at 6:30 pm (sign up required), Good Friday worship on April 15 at 7 pm and Resurrection Sunday worship at 8:30 am or 10:30 am with a breakfast fellowship in between.
This Sunday, March 27, couples are invited to participate in a marriage enrichment session from 6:15 pm to 7:30 pm at the church. This session’s theme: The importance of mutual understanding in relationships.
Men are encouraged to gather for a breakfast on April 16 from 8-9:30 am with a guest speaker and women are encouraged to gather on Saturday, May 14 for a tea at 11 am or 2 pm. Sign up sheets for both are in the front lobby at the church.
Upcoming Events
March 27 - Communion Sunday
March 27 - 6:15-7:30pm Marriage Enrichment Gathering
April 14 - 6:30pm Seder/Communion Gathering (sign up required)
April 15 - 7:00pm Good Friday Service
April 16 - 8:00-9:30am Men's Breakfast
April 17 - 8:30am or 10:30 am Easter Worship Services (with breakfast in between services)
May 14 - 11:00am -1:00pm or 2:00-4:00pm Spring Ladies Tea
An Offering Box is available in the front lobby below the missions display board.
Updated Information as of March 18, 2022:
This Sunday, we continue the preaching series in 2 Timothy. Continue reading and reflecting on this short, personal and practical letter specifically focusing on 2 Timothy chapter 2.
Ladies Spring Tea Saturday, May 14 11 am - 1 pm or 2 pm - 4 pm. Sign up in the lobby.
We will celebrate communion together on Sunday, March 27.
Plan to gather for worship with particulars themes: A Seder/communion gathering on Thursday, April 14 (sign up required), Good Friday worship on April 15 at 7 pm and Easter Sunday worship at 8:30 am or 10:30 am with a breakfast fellowship in between.
- Men’s breakfast March 19 and April 16 from 8- 9:30 am. Sign up in the lobby.
Upcoming Events
March 19 - 8:00am Men's Breakfast
March 27 - Communion Sunday
March 27 - 6:15-7:30pm Marriage Enrichment Gathering
April 14 - Seder/Communion Gathering (sign up required)
April 15 - 7:00pm Good Friday Service
April 16 - 8:00am Men's Breakfast
April 17 - 8:30am or 10:30 am Easter Worship Services (with breakfast in between services)
May 14 - 11:00am -1:00pm or 2:00-4:00pm Spring Ladies Tea
An Offering Box is available in the front lobby below the missions display board.
Updated Information as of March 04, 2022:
Sunday, March 06, we continue the preaching series in 2 Timothy. Continue reading and reflecting on this short, personal and practical letter specifically focusing on 2 Timothy 1:8-14.
Every Wednesday night at 7 pm, all are welcome to participate in a prayer gathering. This is not a Bible study, although at times, there is scripture reading. The purpose is for prayer. This Sunday, we will take some time in our worship gathering to pray with the war in Ukraine in mind and hear from our mission partners Don and Esther Parsons who once served in Ukraine and are currently involved in training Russian nationals for evangelism and church planting.
We will celebrate communion together on Sunday, March 27.
Plan to gather for worship with particulars themes: A Seder/communion gathering on Thursday, April 14 (sign up required), Good Friday worship on April 15 at 7 pm and Easter Sunday worship at 8:30 am or 10:30 am with a breakfast fellowship in between.
- Ladies fellowship tomorrow, March 05 at 10 am at the church building
- Parents Support Gathering this Sunday, March 06th at 6:15 pm
- Men’s breakfast March 19 at 8 am
- Marriage Enrichment Gathering Sunday, March 27 at 6:00 pm
Please seriously consider attending the Parents Support Gathering this Sunday night, March 06. We will address the topic of raising and discipling children in the digital age. In fact, we should all hear and think about this!
Updated Information as of March 01, 2022:
Upcoming Events
March 5 - 10:00am-??? Ladies Fellowship Bring whatever craft or project you are working on or just come and chat. Stay for little while or all day. If you would like to bring a snack to share that would be great.
March 6 - 6:15-7:30pm Parent's Support Night - technology will be the topic.
March 11 - 7:00pm Annual Business Meeting
March 13 - 5:00pm Thrive Family Gathering
March 19 - 8:00am Men's Breakfast
March 27 - Communion Sunday
March 27 - 6:15-7:30pm Marriage Enrichment Gathering
April 15 - 7:00pm Good Friday Service
April 16 - 8:00am Men's Breakfast
April 17 - Easter Worship Services
An Offering Box is available in the front lobby below the missions display board.
Updated Information as of February 19, 2022:
This Sunday we will review the preaching series in 1 Timothy. Read through it once again and be prepared to consider what it means for you personally and for us a church community.
Couples (and interested individuals) are invited to gather on Sunday night, Feb 21 from 6:15 to 7:30 for a marriage enrichment gathering. We will consider the idea of "romance" through the reality of the gospel.
Men, don’t forget there is a breakfast Saturday, Feb 19 at 8 am and one of our brothers in Christ will share his testimony of faith.
Upated Information as of February 11, 2022:
Consider participating in one or more of some upcoming opportunities for encouragement and equipping for godliness:
Men’s Breakfast February 19 and March 19 from 8 - 9:30 (Testimonies of Recovery and Spiritual Renewal)
Marriage Enrichment February 20 from 6:15 - 7:30 pm open to everyone (Kindling the Flame of Covenant Love)
Parents Support March 6 from 6:15 - 7:30 pm (Kids and Technology)
Do you like to be creative? We are looking for a few folks to help decorate the sanctuary area for the different holidays/seasons or sermon series (if applicable). If you would like to learn more about this opportunity or have an interest in being part of a team that serves in this way contact Dave Webster by phone (610) 742-0483 or email: bassdrumbone@gmail.com
Updated Information as of January 15, 2022:
Several people in our church family are dealing with physical health issues - Covid, flu, cancer, infection, etc. Even as some of us are able to meet for worship tomorrow, remember those who cannot and continue to connect with each other in other ways. We return to the sermon series in 1 Timothy at chapter 5 - a very practical section of the letter that provides us with guidance on how to relate to each other and how to care for specific people in need. Keep reading and reflecting on 1 Timothy.
Due to the cancellation of morning activities, we were unable to begin a new Sunday School quarter. So plan to participate in one of the options: A Bible class using the Answers in Genesis curriculum, a leadership class for men and a class examining the cultural-Christianity vs. Christianity in culture.
Signs will indicate the locations for these classes.
Men, plan to gather for a breakfast, fellowship and spiritual encouragement next Saturday, January 22 in the youth room from 8-9:30 am. We will reflect on the loss of a brother in Christ.
Mark your calendar for other Men’s Breakfast dates: February 19 and March 19.
All of us are invited to gather for a fellowship lunch on Sunday, January 30 at noon. Bring food and beverage to share.
Update Information as of January 02, 2022:
January 2, 2022 we will begin a new schedule: Sunday School at 8:30 am and worship at 9:30 am. We will follow this schedule as long as is feasible.
In light of the transition between 2021 and 2022, we will consider The Church - How God Describes Us and What It Means. This sermon will hopefully serve as an ongoing motivation for renewal in our church and in our communities. Renewal is one of the five values of Mt Aetna Bible Church, identified in 2013: We value the hope and embrace the reality of ongoing spiritual and personal renewal that comes as a result of living by faith, remaining in Jesus and yielding to the Holy Spirit. God grants us renewal at any time, but the space between years serves as a meaningful marker and starting point for renewal. It is our strong conviction that the church—including our church—is in need of renewal. Not something fancy, not a new fad or trend, but genuine Gospel-centered renewal that makes a difference in our perspectives, relationships and mission. Understanding how God describes us should guide us in how we understand ourselves and our call as the church.
Two Adult Sunday School electives will be concluded and starting on January 9, new electives begin including a Bible class using Answers in Genesis curriculum in tandem with the curriculum and themes used with the elementary classes and a men’s class on leadership. Watch for more details to follow.
If you haven’t already, mark your calendar for a church fellowship lunch on Sunday, January 30 at noon.
Opportunities to assist the Matz family will be shared as they arise including some meals, practical assistance and financial assistance. Thank you to everyone for caring for the and each other during this time of grief
Updated Reminders on December 22, 2021:
Christmas Eve worship gatherings are scheduled for 5 pm and 7 pm. Bring the family and friends for this special evening.
On Sunday, December 26 our worship gatherings (8:00 am & 10:30 am) will include a time of communion. Sunday School classes will meet at 9:30 am.
New Sunday morning schedule starting January 2: Sunday School at 8:30 and worship at 9:30.
Updated Information dated December 10, 2021:
Next Sunday, December 19, plan on joining together for food and fellowship between the two Christmas worship gatherings. This Sunday, we can sign up to bring food to share and if you would like to help, contact Ruth Tucci. Also mark your calendar for a fellowship lunch on January 30 following worship that day.
This time of year, opportunities to help and bless others abound. Thanks to all who collected gifts for needy kids in our school district, offered meals for a few families on Christmas Day and for others who have contributed to the church benevolence fund. This fund allows us to meet needs of people in our church family as well as needy families and individuals in our community. And thanks too for those who have provided meals for families in our church who have faced surgeries, births and illness.
This Sunday, Dec 12, Pastor Matt will preach from the last part of 1 Timothy chapter 4, before we focus on Christmas and the new year on December 19 and 26. As you read 1 Timothy 4:11-16, you will notice a simple but profound instruction Paul gave to Timothy regarding the public reading of scripture. Reading scripture is more than just a personal and corporate discipline; it is a significant way we can know God, understand ourselves and others and make sense of suffering in the world. Read it as if your life depends on it—because it does.
We will be finishing an adult Sunday School class on December 12 and December 26 during which the issue of leaving or loving the church has been considered. This Sunday, we will discuss several factors that contribute to people leaving church or leaving the faith altogether. This is a critical consideration and if you haven’t been to the class yet, join us for this important presentation this Sunday morning at 9:30.
As you shop for and wrap gifts, decorate your home, listen to Christmas-themed music and hope for snow, remember what it is we are celebrating: the coming of God to the world in human form. Jesus came to live among us, die for us and delver us from sin and death - and to redeem the universe, transforming it from broken to restored. This is the beginning of Good News!
December Sunday worship services are at 8:00am and 10:30am. A section in the meeting room is designated for those who prefer more personal spacing and the use of face coverings. All of us are encouraged to use care and sensitivity as we meet in person. Sunday School is held from 9:30 am to 10:15 am.
Sunday 6:00-7:30pm - Thrive & Youth Group
Wednesday 7:00pm - Prayer Group
Thursday 10:00am - Ladies Bible Study
December 17 - Christmas Coffeehouse (7:00pm)
December 19 - Christmas Worship (8 am and 10:30 am, food and fellowship between services)
December 24 - Christmas Eve Worship (5 PM and 7 PM)
December 26 - Communion (8 am and 10:30 am)
January 30 - Fifth Sunday Fellowship (following the service)
Updated Information dated December 03,2021:
We continue the study of 1 Timothy this week, Dec 5th, specifically 1 Timothy 4:6-10, in which we will encounter yet another description of "godliness" which is a major theme of this letter. Keep reading and reflecting!
This month, there are several opportunities to bless people in need. See Pastor Tim of you would like to help in the following ways:
- Coats, hats and gloves for kids are being collected in the front lobby.
- Volunteers are needed on December 14 at 10:30 at the Bethel Elementary School to pack food bags for needy families.
- A Christmas meal for a single mother and her daughter are needed for Christmas Day.
Plan on sharing lunch with one another on Sunday, January 30 at the church building. This will be the first of Fifth Sunday Fellowships for 2022.
The elders are considering the possibility of returning to one worship gathering on Sunday mornings beginning in January. We all should have received a letter in the mail with details about this consideration. See one of the elders if you have any questions.
December Sunday worship services are at 8:00am and 10:30am. A section in the meeting room is designated for those who prefer more personal spacing and the use of face coverings. All of us are encouraged to use care and sensitivity as we meet in person. Sunday School is held from 9:30 am to 10:15 am.
Sunday 6:00-7:30pm - Thrive & Youth Group
Wednesday 7:00pm - Prayer Group
Thursday 10:00am - Ladies Bible Study
December 17 - Christmas Coffeehouse (7:00pm)
December 19 - Christmas Worship (8 am and 10:30 am)
December 24 - Christmas Eve Worship (5 PM and 7 PM)
December 26 - Communion (8 am and 10:30 am)
January 30 - Fifth Sunday Fellowship (following the service)
Information dated November 14, 2021:
Sunday worship services are at 8:00am and 10:30am. A section in the meeting room is designated for those who prefer more personal spacing and the use of face coverings. All of us are encouraged to use care and sensitivity as we meet in person. Sunday School is held from 9:30 am to 10:15 am.
Sunday 6:00-7:30pm - Thrive & Youth Group
Wednesday 7:00pm - Prayer Group
Thursday 10:00am - Ladies Bible Study
November 21 - Youth-led Worship
November 24 - Thanksgiving Eve Worship (7:00 PM)
November 28 - Communion (8 am and 10:30 am)
December 19 - Christmas Worship (8 am and 10:30 am)
December 24 - Christmas Eve Worship (5 PM and 7 PM)
December 26 - Communion (8 am and 10:30 am)
January 30 - Fifth Sunday Fellowship (Noon)
Information dated September 10, 2021:
Sunday worship services are at 8:00am and 10:30am. A section in the meeting room is designated for those who prefer more personal spacing and the use of face coverings. All of us are encouraged to use care and sensitivity as we meet in person. Sunday School is held from 9:30 am to 10:15 am.
As a new quarter begins September 12, this is a good time for all of us to consider participating in Sunday School classes which are available for all age groups. Sunday School classes allow all of us, young or old in the faith, to continue to learn, grow and become more and more like Jesus. Details on adult classes will be shared in an email update next week.
Would you seriously consider participating this fall?
The elder board would like to host a community event this fall (mid to late October) on a Saturday afternoon. Initial inquiries for a team of volunteers to oversee such an event did not result in anyone being available. Would you be interested? A couple, a family even a Life Group could take on the project.
If you are interested, see Jason Buck, Pastor Matt or Pastor Tim.
Initial plans for Christmas worship and community connection are underway. In addition to us celebrating and reflecting on the first coming of Jesus as individuals and families, we anticipate the blessing and proclamation of this "good news of great joy" through corporate worship, fellowship and outreach. Be ready to participate!
We are excited to continue the discipleship of the children in our church family. Regular meetings for elementary kids and teens resume on Sunday, September 12 at 6 pm.
Pray for the kids and for the volunteers who are committed to seeing Christ formed in them
Information Update July 23, 2021:
CHURCH PICNIC: Sunday July 25 Starting at 1:00pm @ Fairlane Park in Myerstown. Bring a chair, your own beverage (cold water will be provided) and a spoon along with your dish or dessert to share and any yard games that can be played together. Grilled sausage, hot dogs and burgers will be provided. We look forward to a time of fellowship together.
Information dated July 16, 2021:
Sunday worship services are at 8 am and 10:30am. A section in the meeting room is designated for those who prefer more personal spacing and the use of face coverings. All of us are encouraged to use care and sensitivity as we meet in person. Sunday School is held from 9:30 am to 10:15 am.
Vacation Bible School is July 18-22 from 6:30 - 8:15 pm. VBS flyers are available in the front lobby. Use these to register your kids online today and to invite others to participate. Regisrtation can also occur at the church.
CHURCH PICNIC: Sunday July 25 Noon - 3pm @ Fairlane Park Myerstown. Bring a chair, your own beverage (cold water will be provided) and a dish or dessert to share. Grilled sausage, hot dogs and burgers will be provided. Sign up on Sunday morning or contact the church office if you plan on coming!
JAZZ COFFEE HOUSE: Friday August 6 7pm here at MABC. This evening is for teens and older - hope you can join us. See Dave Webster if you have any questions!
Mt Aetna Neighborhood Party on Saturday, August 14. Outdoor activities, food and more will create opportunities to meet and connect with people in our neighborhood and the village. There will be many volunteer opportunities. For now, keep your calendar clear that afternoon.
Information dated June 18, 2021:
Sunday worship services are at 8 am and 10:30am. A section in the meeting room is designated for those who prefer more personal spacing and the use of face coverings. All of us are encouraged to use care and sensitivity as we meet in person. Sunday School is held from 9:30 am to 10:15 am.
Worship and Picnic in the Fairlane Avenue Park on Sunday, June 27. Worship begins at 10:30 followed immediately by the picnic. Bring your own chairs, food and beverages. If the weather forecast looks gloomy, check the church website on Saturday night for an update in case of the need to postpone.
We will have another picnic in the Fairlane Avenue Park following worship at the church on July 25.
Initial plans have been made for a Mt Aetna Neighborhood Party on Saturday, August 14. Outdoor activities, food and more will create opportunities to meet and connect with people in our neighborhood and the village. There will be many volunteer opportunities. For now, keep your calendar clear that afternoon.
VBS flyers are available in the front lobby. Use these to register your kids today and use them to invite others to participate. VBS is July 18-22 from 6:30 - 8:15 pm.
Information dated April 09, 2021:
MABC Family-
This Sunday, we will begin holding two worship services: 8 am and 10:30 am. A section in the meeting room will be designated for those who prefer more personal spacing and the use of face coverings. All of us are encouraged to use care and sensitivity as we meet in person. Sunday School will be held from 9:30 am to 10:15 am.
Sunday April 11, Pastor Tim will present a biblical foundation for the ministry of deacons and deaconesses during Sunday School in the Adult Sunday School room. On April 18, three adult electives will be available: A men’s class (focusing on sexual purity through the Conquer Series), a class for young adults on Biblical Wisdom and a continuation of a study in the Book of James. Locations for these classes will be shared next week
Dates and details for fellowship, discipleship and outreach activities for the church are being planned. Here are a few dates to mark on your calendar now:
- June 27, July 25 and August 22: Church In the Park. On these Sundays we will meet to worship at the Fairlane Ave. Park in Myerstown with different activities for each Sunday
Sunday Service Information starting April 11, 2021:
Dear MABC family,
'Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.' Psalm 145:3
We want to praise God, as we communicated at our annual congregational meeting, for his faithfulness and provision in our church. We also want to thank you, our members. You've been faithfully attending in various ways and our ministry staff and volunteers have been faithfully serving through a variety of formats and schedules. It's been challenging but they've been flexible! We want to express our thankfulness for their willingness to serve God by serving us.
We're grateful for the opportunity we've had to continue meeting in person since last June 2020 during a difficult time in our community, state, and nation. It's very important that as we continue to meet in person, that we are considerate of the space others need and precautions that others need us to take on their behalf, especially if we notice they are wearing a mask. Responding appropriately to a member's demonstrated or communicated caution is especially important in light of the service changes we are soon to implement.
We will be going to two services, but neither one will require face coverings. The decision to move to two worship services on Sunday morning is the result of discussion and feedback from those who would be impacted the most.
Beginning on Sunday, April 11, 2021, MABC will conduct 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM services with a distancing/face covering section at the back available in both services. We will have 45 minute Sunday School classes from 9:30-10:15. We will continue to livestream the services to connect with members who are unable to join us in person. Finally, we again want to remind everyone to use caution, to respect the vulnerable, and to refrain from attending if you are not feeling well.
We are also planning to hold some special services and picnics throughout the summer at the Fairlane Avenue Park in Myerstown. We'll be communicating more information about those in the future.
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 118:29
In Christ
The Elders of MABC"
Sunday Service Information dated February 13, 2021:
Greetings MABC Family-
Sunday services will be at 8:00, 9:15 and 10:30am (10:30 is masks required service).
Services and Sunday School may change based on winter weather conditions each morning.
Sunday School is also at 9:15am
The worship service are streamed live through the church’s Facebook page and a recording of the service will be posted to the church website later in the morning.
Latest Information dated January 07, 2021:
Consider joining us for our adult Sunday School offering this quarter beginning this Sunday 1/10/21. We will be encouraging and equipping one another in passing the faith to the next generation. Pastors Tim & Matt will lead us as we consider God’s word, pray together, and seek to make disciples.
There will also be a Sunday School offering for teens beginning this week led by Jason Buck.
Be encouraged in these uncertain times by this excerpt of a prayer written by Douglas McKelvey in Every Moment Holy Volume 2:
The Lord’s throne in heaven is yet occupied,
his rule is eternal, and his good purposes
on earth will be forever accomplished.
So we need never be swayed by the brief and
passing panics of this age.
You are the King of the Ages, O Christ,
and history is held in your Father’s hands.
We, your people, know the good and glorious
end of this story. Our heavenly hope is secure.
In this time of widespread suffering then,
let us rest afresh in the surpassing peace of that
vision, that your whole church on earth might be
liberated to love more generously and sacrificially.
Now labor in and through us, O Lord, extending and
multiplying the many expressions of your mercy.
Information January 02, 2021:
Greetings MABC Family,
Tomorrow, Sunday, January 03, 2021, we have the privilege of gathering to worship and to be encouraged and equipped from God’s Word. Services at 8:00, 9:15 and 10:30 (face coverings required at 10:30) will be available, along with a livestream of the services accessible through the church Facebook page. We return to the Gospel of Mark, beginning at chapter 12.
Next Sunday, January 10th, a new adult Sunday School class will begin focusing on the importance of and ways to pass on our faith to the next generation. Parents are encouraged to participate but also anyone burdened with making disciples of young people.
Information Dated December 18, 2020:
Dear MABC church family,
We have decided to update our protocols for gatherings again. Please understand we are working very hard to do the best job of leadership that we can. We prayerfully agonize over the decisions we must make. We don’t take our responsibility lightly as we are accountable to each other, and ultimately accountable to God.
We are grateful for the efforts you have been making during the last few weeks since we required face coverings in all services and ministries due to the greatly increased transmission rate of the coronavirus. We also are very aware that this decision, although welcomed by some, was difficult for others.
We are grateful for those who have expressed their thoughts and concerns directly to the elders recently through various forms of communication and respect the fact that it is difficult for some to wear a face covering for a number of reasons. We are not only concerned about the health of our bodies, but more so the health of the Body of Christ at MABC.
Therefore, we have decided to revert back to our previous protocols (which are engraved on our recently installed new road sign) but continue to strongly encourage all of us to take as many precautions as possible to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (as well as other illnesses). We can’t pretend it’s not a real medical challenge and threat to others. We look forward to worshipping with you in the service that is best meeting your needs.
Starting this Sunday, December 20, (and choir practice tonight, Dec 18 @ 7:00 PM)
1) the 8:00 AM and 9:15 AM church services and Sunday School will once again be face coverings recommended but not required,
2) the 10:30 AM service will continue to be face coverings required,
3) the Sunday evening ministries will be face coverings recommended but not required,
4) and on Christmas Eve, the 4:30 PM service will be face coverings required, and the 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM services will be face coverings at your discretion.
Of course, face covering is the most challenging protocol, but it’s really only one of many that we’ve all heard much about this year and should continue to follow.
Thanks for your patience, grace, and forgiveness as we complete our trek through this difficult year.
More than anything, we encourage all of us to focus on loving God and others by the power of His Spirit in our lives through the many ways that His love can be demonstrated through us toward others. Let’s set our minds on things above and focus on the unity we have in Christ, especially during this Christmas season.
Blessings to you all and have a blessed Christmas!
The Elders of MABC
Christmas Update December 16, 2020:
Merry Christmas from MABC Staff and Elders!
We would like to update you on the schedule and events for the rest of December.
First, there will be three services and Sunday school on December 20th and December 27th. We plan on continuing into the new year to allow spreading out.
As you probably know, the services have been live streaming through the MABC Facebook account. Up to now we have been using an I-Phone as our “camera” and a speaker close to the phone to pick up the sound. As those of you who have joined the service through the live stream know this system is okay, but less than great.
A more professional camera that allows the sound to feed directly into the broadcast has been donated to the church and hopefully, this coming Sunday, will provide an upgraded presentation of the services. If you need the instructions for how to access the service, please contact the office.
On Christmas Eve, we will be having three services at 4:30, 6:00 and 7:30 pm. We will have the chairs arranged in the round with our Advent Wreath in the center. We will be enjoying many beloved Christmas songs along with special numbers, a short Christmas message and ending the service with a candle lighting. The first service will be broadcast live and then be available the rest of the evening for you to enjoy any time thereafter.
Another reminder is that there is a big box in the foyer for anyone to drop Christmas greetings to your MABC friends. You can drop them in anytime up to this Sunday. We will be sorting them and putting each family’s cards in an envelope and delivering them to your homes on December 23 and 24.
Thank you and have a Blessed Christmas and New Year!
Information Update December 12, 2020
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
As we continue to celebrate the coming of our Savior through this Advent season, we are reminded that Christ came to call us into His kingdom, which is not of this world. We are in the world, but not of the world.
Together we are trusting Christ to lead us in living out our faith in Christ. We remember Christ's words when asked which commandment is the most important.Jesus answered, "The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:29-31
Let us consider in these difficult times what it means to love God and love our neighbor.
"By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." 1 John 3:16-18
We love all of you and are thankful for the continuing opportunity to be able to worship our God together. Even with the increased restrictions in Pennsylvania beginning this weekend, we are thankful that we can continue to gather for Sunday services, Sunday school, Sunday evening ministries, choir practice, Christmas Eve, etc. If at all possible, please join us in person for praise, worship, and edification as we continue to function as Christ's body in Mt. Aetna.
If not in person, please take advantage of our Facebook Livestream of Sunday services and join us virtually. Many of us have really enjoyed this opportunity as we've been unable to attend on person.
We continue to encourage all to take precautions as suggested by our authorities and medical professionals as many are dealing with the coronavirus and covid19 in this time of increased transmission. Washing hands regularly, maintaining distance, wearing face coverings, etc are ways we can love our neighbor and continue meeting in person.
Strengthening our immune systems by taking vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin B complex is also very important as well as eating healthy foods as we desire to take good care of our bodies which are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
We are clarifying that we are requiring face coverings while in the building unless medically prohibited. In that case, please make sure you practice social distancing. Each of us should be careful to stay home if we are not feeling well or have a fever.
Please pray for each other, support each other in creative ways, and love each other well.
In Christ's love,
The Elders on MABC
Information from November 21, 2020
Dear Church Family,
As we are all aware, there has been a large increase in COVID-19 infections, including our area and affecting our church members as well as their extended families.
The elders met earlier today and determined that in order to provide protection for those who worship with us and to allow continued worship and fellowship, we need to institute a mask/face covering requirement for all three services effective tomorrow, November 22. This will be required, at all times, while in the building. The only exception will be those who are leading worship while they are on the stage.
There will be both adult and youth Sunday school with face coverings required. Sunday evening youth activities will be conducted and details of requirements will be communicated directly to the youth involved. Other activities in church will be cancelled this Sunday evening.
Wednesday evening Thanksgiving eve activities will be held as scheduled with services at 6:30 pm and 7:45 pm also requiring masks for all in attendance.
If there are any changes for the following Sunday, they will be communicated as soon as possible.
For those who are at risk, as well as those who are not comfortable wearing a face covering, the services will be live-streamed on the church’s Facebook account. You can access the account either directly from facebook.com or the church’s website and scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the Facebook icon.
If you access Facebook directly, search for Mount Aetna Bible Church. Once you are at the home page, find the link on the left side of the page and go to videos. About 5 minutes before the service begins there will be a box that shows a live-feed. After the service is over, it will be available as a recording.
We want to encourage everyone to understand that these are difficult times, and our goal is to allow us to continue to worship and fellowship in person. Please, if you are not feeling well, or if you’ve been exposed to the virus, choose the alternative of staying home and viewing the services online. We are looking forward to gathering together as the Church Family as soon as we are able.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Elders of MABC
Latest Inormation October 01, 2020 :
MABC Family,
We are looking forward to gathering again this Sunday. This email is a reminder of some changes and additions to meeting times and activities on Sundays over the next few months.
Three separate worship services are scheduled: 8 am, 9:15 am and 10:30(masks) am. We continue to encourage people to self-screen for illness before participating, to practice regular hand-washing and to allow for adequate physical distancing. Additionally, face coverings are required in the building at all times for the 10:30 service. This will allow more vulnerable people to participate safely. Face coverings during the 8 and 9:15 am services are encouraged while interacting with people but use of face coverings is at the discretion of the individual. This also applies to Sunday School during the 9:15 am time period.
Sunday School class locations will be posted at the building this Sunday, but will generally be in the usual locations.
Thanks for your ongoing patience and continue to love each other well!
Letter dated September 25, 2020:
Brothers and Sisters of Mt Aetna Bible Church-
The elders of MABC find ourselves in a very difficult place regarding virus safety protocols. Literally, person A pleads with us to have services and ministries as normal with no restrictions. At the same time, person B pleads with us to require face coverings for all services throughout the entire service. Person C pleads with us to just let people decide.
"You can't please them all" has been taken to an extreme!
We care deeply about everyone in our congregation. We want to serve everyone out of love and humility. We need your support in helping us to provide worship services as well as discipleship ministries for children, teens and adults in which everyone can participate as they desire.
The coronavirus pandemic continues to be a concern and will be for some time. This is an opportunity for us to live out our Christian love by putting others needs above our own. We have continued to adjust and adapt to the scenario we find ourselves in regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Responding with faithfulness and wisdom as
followers of Christ to the world around us remains important. We would urge you to emulate Jesus Christ who perfectly mingled truth and grace as He interacted with people. Allow the Spirit to bear fruit in your life during this polarized time.
In an effort to develop greater consistency with regard to how we gather and worship together while also making space for those who may be at a higher health risk, we will be employing the following changes to our ministries:
1. We will have three worship services at the following times: 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:30am. This will begin Sunday, Ocober 4, 2020.
During the 8:00am & 9:15am services, mask-wearing will be at the discretion of the individual or family.
During the 10:30am service, mask-wearing will be required for the duration of the service.
2. Sunday school for all ages will begin October 4th and will be held during the 9:15am service (more details will follow).
3. A date tp provide nursery care for young children on Sundays is currently being determined.
4. Thrive children’s ministry will resume Sunday night, October 4 and regular youth group gatherings will resume this Sunday, September 27. Details about these ministries will be communicated separately.
Despite these changes, we continue to encourage wise practices that aid in keeping us all healthy including hand-washing, physical distance, mask-wearing, etc. We ask that you please stay home if you or a family member is not feeling well. Clicking HERE can provide you a COVID screening questionnaire that you may find useful to assess whether or not you should attend a service.
The Elders of Mt Aetna Bible Church