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Mark: But who do you say I am?
Through the first half of 2020, we will be studying teh Gospel of Mark. This short, but significant accouint of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, reveals his power and true identity as the Son of God. It also corces us to answer the questions, "Who is Jesus and will we follow him?"
Philippians: Whatever You Do, Be Glad!
For the next 8 weeks, we will be preaching through Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi. Among many other themes, he emphasized the importance of joy in the face of disappointment, suffering, difficult relationships and the mission of the gospel. It is a message for us in our time.
Stand-Alone Sermons
This page includes all sermons not part of an established sermon series, and occasional guest speakers.
A Life of Prayer: Lessons from the Psalms
The Book of Psalms has been a source of comfort, hope and perspective for God’s people for thousands of years. Tthe Psalms reveal the unchangeable nature of God and point to the hope of the One who would come to show us God in the flesh - Jesus.
First Corinthians: An Ancient Letter to the Present-Day Church
The book of First Corinthians, like so much of scripture, speaks to the church today in many ways. The city of Corinth in Paul's time was a Roman colony and major trade center known for its brazen decadence. Paul planted a church in this pagan culture. The letter known as "First Corinthians" was one of many Paul wrote to this young church in response to problems and issues they faced.
Season of Joy: Christmas at MABC
The Christmas season is a time of fun, gifts, parties, and more for young and old. But it is so much more as well! Throughout Advent, Christmas and the New Year, join us as we explore the story behind Jesus' birth, and why He was (and still is) needed as a Savior! Jesus is called Emmanuel, God with us. He was promised as the Redeemer from the beginning, and still saves and redeems people today.
Exploring the Heart of God in the Minor Prophets
This sermon series is a survey of several of the prophetic books that draw attention to the heart of God. God calls His people to be committed to holiness which is seen in humility, justice, mercy, and love. God’s people, and the people of the world, consistently harden their hearts and seek selfish gain through the opposite. God condemns our hard hearted evil ways, but shows mercy on the repentant (humble/meek), which leads to restoration.
Hebrews: A Call to Faithfulness
The background of the letter to the Hebrews is uniquely relevant to believers of all periods in Christian history - including our own. In order not to be seen as bigoted or offensive, followers of Jesus are compromising the gospel and the Christian mandate to holiness. The present day church needs to be warned, challenged and encouraged to be faithful to Jesus, and to trust him with our personal wellbeing.
Advent & Christmas 2017
Mission: Intergenerational-
Working Together in the Kingdom of God
We need to be reminded of the importance of our relationships with each other in the context of making new disciples. This series is a practical consideration of the importance of love and unity for the purpose of encouraging each other, and effectively reaching the lost. In a divisive and divided culture, unity in the church is more important than ever.
Wise As Serpents, Innocent As Doves:
Building God-Oriented Relationships in a God-less Culture
In order to move more purposefully and intentionally into our communities for the purpose of making disciples, we need to be equipped to relate to the lost. This series focuses on the destructive nature of spiritual pride and being judgmental, what it means to live life with others, gaining a better understanding of culture, respecting people with very different value systems, and how to share the truth in love.
The Mission Field Next Door:
Envisioning and Embracing Practical Discipleship in Our Communities
This series moves us from the theoretical/philosophical to the practical. We consider Old Testament wisdom and prophetic literature that emphasizes service to the needy, as well as New Testament examples of serving others as a means of introducing them to the love and grace of God.
The Church in Our Time:
Who We Are and What We're Supposed to Do
To reach others with the gospel, we need an understanding of the nature and purpose of the church. This series will help us gain an understanding of God's revealed purpose for the church and what it looks like for a local church such as MABC to fulfill that purpose.
God Speaks:
What We Know, How We Know it, and Why it's Important
Our culture largely dismisses the existence of God, and has a deep disdain for the Bible. This series presents the doctrine of divine revelation in such a way as to help believers understand it and apply it in light of the culture's disdain for it. The goal is to become strengthened in our faith in God's knowledge given to us, and confidently and humbly communicate it to the lost.